Integrated Resource Plan

Integrated Resource Plan

Mossyrock – One of Seven of Our Dams

The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a tool to help Tacoma Power plan for an uncertain future so we can continue to meet our customers’ needs for decades to come. Approximately every four years, we complete a full refresh of the IRP. We also revisit and make small updates to the plan between the larger refresh years.

Read our 2022 IRP

The 2024 IRP is now in development. Your feedback will help us plan for long-term strategy investments and ensures we deliver reliable, affordable power.

If you would like to receive email updates about the IRP, please email

Get Involved

The 2024 IRP is now in development. We welcome input from our community and offer a variety of ways for you to be involved. You can join in at any time, as often or as little as you like. We will also adapt to stakeholder interests by scheduling additional workshops or individual discussions on specific topics as needed or requested. The 2024 workshops are now complete.

Ways to participate

Workshops – The 2024 workshops are now complete

May 8, 2024 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Workshop One: Introductory Meeting


Workshop Topic: Will Tacoma Power continue to have enough resources to meet customer demand into the future? 

Over the past decade or so, Tacoma Power has experienced a period of stable customer demand that we have been able to meet comfortably with our existing supply of power resources and prudent investment in energy efficiency. However, a combination of new potential sources of growth in demand (building and vehicle electrification, growth of data centers, etc.) may change that picture in the coming decades. There are many scenarios in which Tacoma Power might need to supplement its current power supply with additional resources.  

During this meeting, we will: 

  1. Provide a short introduction to Tacoma Power’s long-term planning process.
  2. Examine our future resource position under a variety of different scenarios of how the future will unfold.
  3. Discuss and seek feedback on the power resources we will examine to fill potential future gaps. 
June 25, 2024 from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Workshop Topic: 2024 IRP draft recommendations and action plan 


During this meeting, we will: 

  1. Examine which power resources we found to be best suited to help us meet customer demand in the future at the lowest possible cost and risk.
  2. Present and seek feedback on our IRP’s draft resource recommendations and action plan.
Clean Energy Implementation Plan

In 2019, Governor Jay Inslee signed into law the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA), which commits the State of Washington to an electricity supply free of greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. The landmark law imposes new clean energy mandates on electric utilities in Washington as well as planning and reporting requirements. One of those new requirements is that utilities complete a Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP) by January 1, 2022 and every four years thereafter.

Review our plan

Click here to review the Clean Energy Implementation Plan

Click here to view our Clean Energy Implementation Plan indicator map

Comment on our Clean Energy Implementation Plan
CEIP Workshop Materials

We held two virtual workshops to review key aspects of the CEIP with the public.

October 4, 2021 CEIP workshop

August 17, 2021 CEIP workshop

Tacoma Power Conservation Potential Assessment 2024-2043

In 2023, the Tacoma Public Utility Board adopted a ten-year 2024-2033 conservation potential and a two-year 2024-2025 conservation target based on the 2024-2043 Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA). The CPA helps us determine where cost-effective energy efficiency is and is used develop conservation program efforts. The results of a CPA feed into our Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) to help us optimize our electric supply-side and demand–side resources. The next assessment will be conducted in 2025.

Click here to read the Tacoma Power Conservation Potential Assessment, 2024-2043
Demand Response Potential Study

Demand response saves electricity during times of high demand. Consumers play a significant role in the operation of the electric grid by reducing or shifting their electricity usage during peak periods in response to time-based rates or other forms of financial incentives. Engaging customers in demand response efforts includes offering time-based rates such as time-of-use pricing, critical peak pricing, variable peak pricing, real-time pricing, and critical peak rebates. It also includes direct load control programs, which allow power companies to cycle air conditioners and water heaters on and off during periods of peak demand in exchange for a financial incentive and lower electric bills.

Tacoma Power has recently conducted a Demand Response Potential Study.

Click here to view the results

Previous IRPs

2001 IRP 

2010 IRP

2013 IRP

2015 IRP

2017 IRP Update

2020 IRP

2022 IRP

We held four public workshops for our 2022 IRP. All workshops were held over Zoom and open to the public. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2022 

Thursday. June 30, 2022 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022 

Monday, December 20, 2021 
