Cowlitz Fish Report

Cowlitz Restoration and Recovery grant funding is available for hatchery-associated production (HAP) projects or activities that lead to on-the-ground projects. The 2024 grant round is closed, but year-round engagement is encouraged to prepare for future grant rounds.

Click here to learn about the HAP process, timelines, and available application support

Click here for available information for habitat projects from our partners at the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board.


Camping at Blue Creek Boat Launched Closed from August 4th-9th.

Tacoma Power will be closing the Blue Creek Boat Launch area to camping due to Geophysical testing in preparation for our Cowlitz Trout Hatchery Remodel alternative analysis.  The site will be closed to camping from the evening of August 4th through the 9th.  The boat ramp and associated parking will remain open during this time.


Cowlitz Fish Report

July 22, 2024

Last week, Tacoma Power employees recovered 827 summer-run steelhead adults, 252 spring Chinook adults, 68 spring Chinook jacks, 137 spring Chinook mini jacks, and one Cutthroat trout over five days of operations at the Cowlitz Salmon Hatchery separator.

During the past week, Tacoma Power employees released 95 spring Chinook adults, 32 spring Chinook jacks, and one cutthroat trout into Lake Scanewa at Copper Canyon and they released 52 spring Chinook adults and 16 spring Chinook Jacks at Franklin Bridge in Packwood.

As of Friday, July 19, Tacoma Power has recycled a total of 3,109 summer-run steelhead and 765 spring Chinook adults to the I-5 boat launch below Toledo.

River flow below Mayfield Dam is 2,340 cubic feet per second on Monday, July 22, 2024. Water visibility is 8 feet and water temperature is 54.7. River flows could change at any time so boaters and anglers should remain alert for this possibility.

Cowlitz Fish Stats: 
