Environmental Stewardship at TPU
Being a good steward of the environment is important to us. Whether it’s providing information to you about ways to save energy or work done at our hydro projects to protect fish and wildlife, we are committed to being a good neighbor.
- Transportation Electrification
After the passing of House Bill 1512 during the 2019 legislative session, Tacoma Power went to work creating an electrification of transportation plan to help optimize the future use of electric grid infrastructure and improve management of electric loads.
Now adopted by the Public Utility Board, the Transportation Electrification Plan features five guiding principles:
- Seek to understand the technology and the state of the industry.
- Help inform the public through education and outreach.
- Be responsible for utility finances and assets.
- Help customers achieve the benefits of transportation electrification.
- Maintain good governance and reasonable process to reduce risk and cost.
A companion action report, to be updated annually, outlines Tacoma Power’s efforts to advance transportation electrification.
Click here to download the 2020 Tacoma Power Transportation Electrification Plan
Click here to download the 2020 Tacoma Power Transportation Electrification Action Report
The plan received support from City of Tacoma’s Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability, Port of Tacoma, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, and Climate Solutions.
Tacoma Power has offered transportation electrification programs since early 2016. Read more about our work in this area here.
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Level 2 chargers are available 24/7 for public and employee use in parking lot C on the TPU campus at 3628 S. 35th St. Tacoma, 98409 and in Old Town at N. 30th and N. Carr St. Tacoma, 98407. Click here to locate a charger.
Thanks to a collaboration with Tacoma Power, Electrify America installed several DC Fast Charging and Level 2 sites in Pierce County to increase convenience for existing EV owners and encourage future EV adoption. Click here to learn more about charging stations near you.
- TPU's Electric Fleet
“Our utility and city environmental plan calls for upgrading public and utility fleets with electrified vehicles and reducing fossil fuel usage, which aligns with our commitment to a green environment.”
— Don Ashmore, TPU Fleet Manager
We invest in low-emissions vehicles for our fleet. To date, we own more than 50 plug-in electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles for our day-to-day operations.
The TPU campus fleet also utilizes bio-fuel for our diesel vehicles.
Proud Partners of West Coast Electric Fleets
- We pledge to take actions to expand the use of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs).
- We strive for at least 3% ZEVs on all new passenger car fleet purchases.
- We will revisit this pledge annually to consider a higher ZEV procurement goal.
Tacoma Public Utilities is electrifying its fleet to reduce costs and meet sustainability goals.
- Energy Conservation
Energy conservation can help you save money on your utility bill and keep electricity rates lower. We offer rebates, grants and loans that can help you make upgrades to your home that conserve electricity. We offer these programs because they benefit our customers in many ways and keep us compliant with the Energy Independence Act. The cheapest electrical generation is the electricity you don’t have to generate! Saving our already low cost hydroelectricity can keep you electric bill low. Learn more about energy efficiency rebates.
- Climate Action Plan
In 2021, the Tacoma City Council unanimously adopted Resolution 40878, committing the City of Tacoma to implement the 2030 Tacoma Climate Action Plan (CAP), setting Tacoma on a path to a carbon-neutral community by 2050. The Plan centers on frontline communities that are historically underrepresented, underserved, made vulnerable, or expected to experience the first or worst impacts of climate change.
With the CAP, Tacoma will take action for clean, reliable transportation, protections for public health, and green, good-paying jobs. The Plan directs City funding, investments, and work through 2030 to improve our communities and environment.
Read More on the City of Tacoma's Climate Action Plan Website - Fish and Wildlife Protection
In addition to providing clean, renewable hydroelectric energy, we support major fish and wildlife programs at our four hydroelectric projects. Learn more about Tacoma Power’s fish and wildlife programs.
- Habitat Conservation Plan
Clean, reliable water is essential to sustaining life for humans, animals, fish and plants. Sound water resource management helps maintain a healthy ecosystem for all.
We work to responsibly manage the lands entrusted to us within the Green River Watershed and elsewhere. We work to maintain and improve environmental health and ensure water quality. We also work to protect, restore, and mitigate impacts to fish, wildlife and their habitats that result from construction, operation and maintenance of our water supply and delivery systems. We created a Habitat Conservation Plan as part of our application to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service for a 50-year incidential take permit for its water supply operations on the Green River. Learn more about our Habitat Conservation Plan.