Top five ways you can lower your electric bill

Oct. 2 is Energy Efficiency Day, but our team at TPU is so passionate about saving energy and helping you lower your bill that we’ve dedicated the entire month of October to celebrating energy efficiency!

There are tons of ways you and your family can save energy and money, but these five tips are easy to do on your own and without making a big investment.  Pick a few or check off the whole list.

  1. Upgrade the lighting around your house with ENERGY STAR® rated LED bulbs and fixtures.

ENERGY STAR® rated products use at least 75% less energy and last 15 to 20 times longer than incandescent lighting. Learn about our instant rebates on ENERGY STAR® LED bulbs and fixtures.

  1. Install efficient showerheads and faucet aerators that use two gallons of water per minute or less.

Showerheads manufactured before 1994 use 3-8 gallons per minute. Switching out your showerhead means that a family of four could save about 3,600 gallons of water per year. Learn about how you can get $5 off a showerhead or even better, get one for FREE!

  1. Set your refrigerator thermostat temperature to 38° Fahrenheit and your freezer temperature to 0° degrees Fahrenheit.

 Keeping your fridge below 37° pushes up against the freezing point of water, this can affect food quality and burn a lot of extra energy.  See if you are hitting the sweet spot by placing a thermometer in a glass of water and leaving it in your fridge for 24 hours. That’s the true temp of your fridge.

  1. Turn your thermostat back 5 to 10 degrees when you are asleep or away from home.

Lower your thermostat by 5 degrees if you have a heat pump system, or 10 degrees for other heating systems. Making this change can save around 10% a year on your heating and cooling bills. A smart or programmable thermostat makes it even easier to set back your temperature. New technology allows you to program your thermostat even when you are away from your home. Learn about our $50 rebate for smart thermostats.

  1. Eliminate “phantom” energy use by unplugging electronics when they aren’t in use.

Many electronic components and devices use energy even when they appear to be turned off. This is often referred to as “phantom” or “vampire” use. Try plugging your electronics into a power strip, then it’s easy to switch the strip off at night or while you are gone.

If you’re ready to take the next step in creating an energy efficient home, check out our full list of rebate programs. We offer a wide range of ways to save money and upgrade your home. From your water heater to your windows and insulation – We’ve got a rebate for that.

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