CRR Grants for Habitat Projects

Funding is available for on-the-ground projects, or activities that lead to on-the-ground projects, aimed at habitat protection or restoration that will support the restoration and recovery of Endangered Species Act-listed (listed) Cowlitz salmon and steelhead populations originating in the upper basin, upstream of Barrier Dam. Cowlitz Restoration and Recovery (CRR) Program project priorities are ranked as follows.CRR Grants for Habitat Projects

Projects directly benefiting:

  • Upper Cowlitz and/or Cispus spring Chinook salmon
  • Upper Cowlitz and/or Cispus winter steelhead trout and coho salmon
  • Tilton salmon and steelhead listed populations and/or upper Cowlitz fall Chinook salmon

Tacoma Power is partnering with the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board (LCFRB) to implement grant rounds for habitat projects. See their website for details. You can also contact Melora Shelton (253-441-4994) with questions about the CRR Program.

Forms and Documents

All application forms and documents are available on LCFRB’s CRR Grants Program website.

Application Deadlines

Key Grant Round Events are available on LCFRB’s CRR Grants Program website.

Pre-proposal meetings are available now through 3/22/2025. Draft applications are due 3/17/2025. The LCFRB will coordinate with interested parties and applicants directly.

Funding Awarded


Cispus-Yellowjacket Creek Phase III Restoration Project, Sponsor: Cowlitz Indian Tribe

CRR Award / Project Total Cost: $593,677 / $1,739,992

The Cowlitz Indian Tribe, in partnership with the USDA Forest Service, proposes to improve habitat and habitat-forming processes for adult and juvenile salmon and steelhead in lower Yellowjacket Creek and the mainstem Cispus River by constructing engineered logjams in-stream and planting native riparian shrubs and trees. The mainstem structures will be positioned to encourage development of a multi-thread channel network, providing side channel and off-channel habitat throughout a range of flows for spring Chinook, winter steelhead, and Coho Salmon. Tribe or contract crews will plant locally adapted native trees and shrubs to accelerate riparian restoration. The project site is located south of Randle, Washington, in eastern Lewis County, adjacent to the Cispus Learning Center, an outdoor education facility that hosts kindergarten through 12th-grade students year-round.

Status: Near completion


Cispus Floodplain Reconnection Project, Sponsor: Cowlitz Indian Tribe

CRR Award / Project Total Cost: $362,200 / $362,200 (amended 2024)

The Cowlitz Indian Tribe, in partnership with the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, will develop a preliminary design to relocate Forest Road 2801 near Randle, WA, and address flood conveyance under Forest Road 28 to reduce river valley constriction and increase floodplain interaction. Design alternatives will include in-stream structures to enhance floodplain connection after road removal. The resulting project will support natural habitat forming processes and increase floodplain rearing habitat for Lower Columbia coho, steelhead, and chinook while preserving emergency egress for the local community.

Status: Underway


Upper Cowlitz Culvert Inventory, 2022, Sponsor: Lewis Conservation District

CRR Award / Project Total Cost: $134,820 / $134,820

The Lewis Conservation District will complete a comprehensive inventory of anadromous stream crossings in the Tilton and Upper Cowlitz basin, to identify passage barriers. Additional barriers to natural stream processes, such as dikes and levees, will also be identified. This project will help identify and prioritize barriers for future correction and creates two preliminary designs for the highest priority projects to be ready for construction. This project also works in conjunction with a region-wide fish barrier assessment sponsored by the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership and funded through the Salmon Recovery Funding Board.

Status: Underway

Creating Habitat on the Cispus Tributaries, Sponsor: Cascade Forest Conservancy

CRR Award / Project Total Cost: $138,355 / $838,387

The Cascade Forest Conservancy will complete design and install instream woody material structures to improve habitat conditions in Camp Creek, where it joins the Cispus River. The sponsor will also complete at least one additional construction-ready design for similar work at one of three additional creeks in the valley. The goal of this project is to enhance confluence areas that can serve as temporary refuge habitat for adult fish, and rearing habitat for juvenile fish, and will complement ongoing restoration initiatives that are occurring across the broader watershed.

Status: Underway

Kiona Creek Restoration Design, Sponsor: Lewis County PUD

CRR Award / Project Total Cost: $70,071 / $140,141

Lewis County Public Utility District will use the concept design report that was developed by the Upper Cowlitz Cispus Workgroup to produce a final, construction ready habitat restoration design focusing on improving riparian conditions and stream habitat quality in lower Kiona Creek where it joins the mainstem Cowlitz River.

Status: Underway

Cispus-Yellowjacket Creek Phase IV Restoration Project, Sponsor: Cowlitz Indian Tribe

CRR Award / Project Total Cost: $2,457,184 / $3,469,260

The Cowlitz Indian Tribe will construct engineered logjams in the mainstem Cispus River to improve spawning and rearing habitat for spring Chinook, Coho, and Steelhead. This project expands upon previously funded and large-scale restoration projects in the Cispus River and Yellowjacket Creek, including Phase III described above.

Status: Underway


Restoration of Crystal and Woods Creeks, Sponsor: Cascade Forest Conservancy

CRR Award / Project Total Cost: $168,098 / $213,372

Cascade Forest Conservancy will conduct restoration activities on two stream reaches within tributaries of the Cispus River. Restoration activities include the placement of low-tech structures, including beaver dam analogs (BDAs), post-assisted structures (PALS), and large pieces of wood that will either be felled directly into the waterway or winched into the channel. The Conservancy will also implement actions to enhance the riparian buffers of both waterways, including planting native trees and shrubs and removing invasive species.

Status: Underway


Riparian and Channel Enhancements of Hall Creek, Sponsor: Cascade Forest Conservancy

CRR Award / Project Total Cost: $61,048 / $85,549

Cascade Forest Conservancy will complete the initial phase of design and restoration activities to enhance the 0.7-mile reach of Hall Creek that runs through the property of a rural landowner. This proposal will restore an area dominated by reed canary grass and create and protect spawning, rearing, and over-wintering salmon habitat in the mainstem and tributaries of Hall Creek. This project responds to multiple habitat actions identified in the Upper Cowlitz-Cispus Habitat Strategy (UCC Strategy).

Status: Underway
